Scheduled Waste
Waste from electrical and electronic assembly containing component such as accumulators, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass polychlorinated biphenyl-capacitor or contaminated with cadmium, mercury, lead, nickel, chromium, copper, lithium, silver, manganese or polychlorinated biphenyl or Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
- Bare PCB Frame
- Burn In Board Assembly
- Cable Wire
- CD & DVD Rom Assembly
- Chip Processor
- Computer Ram
- Copying Machine
- Electronic Component
- Gold Plated PCB
- Hard Disc Drive
- IT Equipment
- Lead Color Paper
- Lead Frame
- Lead Paper
- Mainframe Server
- Mixed Electrical Wire
- Mobile Phone Board
- Mobile Phone
- Motor Unit
- PCB Bare Board
- Power Board Assembly
- Printed Circuit Board Assembly
- Scrap HDD
- Scrap Motherboard
- Semiconductor Device
- Server Equipment
- Server Module
- Server Power Supply
- Server Board Assembly
- Silicon Wafer with Die
- Terminal Machine
- Telecommunication Equipment
- Telephone Unit
- Test Equipment
- Transformer
- Yoke Coil Assembly
Waste Catalysts
Sludge containing one or several metals including chromium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cadmium, aluminium, tin, vanadium and beryllium
Spent Lubricating Oil
- Lubricating Oil
- Spent Lubricating Oil
Spent Hydraulic Oil
- Hydraulic Oil
- Spent Hydraulic Oil
Uncured resin waste containing organic solvent or heavy metals including epoxy resin and phenolic resin
Spent alkalis containing heavy metals
Disposal containers, bags or equipment contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled wastes
- Steel Drum
- HDPE Drum & Carboy
- IBC Tank
Rag, plastic, paper or filter contaminated with scheduled wastes
Spent aqueous alkaline solution containing cyanide
Spent processing solution, discarded photographic chemicals or discarded photographic waste